Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mysql Replication With Phpmyadmin

First Lets go to Replication panel on XAMPP.

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_13_51

Next Select Configure as Master

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_14_03

You can configure Replication as ALL or Selective. I have done selective where I select few DBs to Replicate.

Once you are done you need to add the lines below in the my.cnf file.

# ***** Added Lines here ****
# ***** Till Here ****

Here are Ignoring all the DBs for Replication except the two above.

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_21_40

Go to /opt/lampp/etc/my.cnf

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_22_11

Added the lines as I mentioned above above. Also Make sure “max_allowed_packet = 16M”

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_23_07

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_23_16

Make sure to comment out he existing server-id as we have already given above.

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_23_39

Restart XAMPP

$ sudo ./opt/lampp/lampp restart

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_24_02

Once you restart XAMPP, you can see that Mysql Server is started as Master.

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_24_15

Next Lets Create a Replication user and give it privileges as the slave needs this information to connect to the Master.

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_24_40

I have given root but you can give any username you want.

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_25_13

MySQL Slave Configuration

First lets add Server-id to our slave as mentioned.


Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_28_29

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_29_29

Now lets connect to Master.

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_30_08

You will get a confirmation about he successful connection to Master.

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_30_20

Now we need to start SLAVE I/O and Sql Threads.

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_31_07

They are right under “Control Slave” as below

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_31_28

Now you can see the threads running.

NOTE: If you face any issues getting the threads started then please check logs. In my case IO Thread was not starting. When I checked the log I found that I had two server-id’s in the my.cnf file. Also sometimes you will get IO error due to max_allowed_packet as well, as this is by default set to 1MB, which needs to be around 16MB.


Screenshot at 2012-04-24 02_31_37

Now we can see all the DBs in Replication Mode. Now any Updates to Master will reflect on the slave.

Screenshot at 2012-04-24 03_24_28

This will have the MASTER-SLAVE for Mysql Server is Ready.